We provide our patients with comprehensive treatment of the respiratory system, mediastinum and oesophagus disorders. Our department is equipped with modern devices, thanks to which we are able to perform rapid diagnostic tests in oncological diseases of the chest, such as bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), videothoracoscopy (endoscopy of the pleural cavities), video-assisted mediastinoscopy (surgical removal of lymph nodes or lesions) and biopsy (fine needle, coarse needle) through the chest wall under the control of CT (computed tomography).
We specialise in endoscopic procedures to clear the upper gastrointestinal tract in non-cancerous and neoplastic diseases of the oesophagus and in surgery of the lungs and chest wall, using the VATS technique (lobectomy). We perform transcervical extended mediastinal lymphadenectomy (TEMLA). We focus on modern, minimally invasive surgical techniques using videothoracoscopy (equivalent to laparoscopy in abdominal surgery), with one or two small incisions in the chest, through which the surgical instruments and a video camera are inserted. Most surgical procedures in our hospital are performed using these methods, thanks to which the patients recover faster, do not feel as much pain as with traditional procedures, and the likelihood of complications is also reduced.
The procedures are performed in a modern operating theatre, connected to the recovery room with constant postoperative supervision.
The team of the Department led by Piotr Zamorski, MD, is made up of experienced specialists: physicians, nurses and physiotherapists. We offer our patients professional and caring care, and short waiting times for hospitalisation.
We have all of the equipment required for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with surgical thoracic disorders. We provide pre- and postoperative rehabilitation.
The infrastructure and equipment of the Hospital ensure safe conditions during the hospital stay. The Department has 25 beds in high standard rooms. Our patients stay in air-conditioned rooms for 2 or 4 people, with a bathroom, TV and free Internet access. The Department also has 2 rooms with increased postoperative supervision, with full monitoring of the vital functions and separate nursing care.
The services of our Department, also as a part of the National Health Fund reimbursement, can be used by patients not only from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, but from all over Poland. The surgeries are also performed privately, for people who are not covered by insurance and for patients from abroad.
Specialist physicians consult patients at the thoracic surgery outpatient clinic, where the initial qualification for treatment takes place and postoperative follow-up is carried out.
We perform all types of diagnostic and treatment procedures, using both the traditional and minimal-invasive methods:
- surgical treatment of lung cancer, benign lung lumps, tuberculous lung lesions, emphysema – resection of emphysematous blebs (VATS)
- surgical treatment of pleural lesions – pleurectomy or pleurodesis (VATS)
- surgical treatment of pneumothorax (VATS)
- surgical treatment of mediastinum tumours (VATS, e.g. neuromas, thymomas, cysts and others)
- surgical treatment of diaphragmatic hernia or its relaxation
- surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis (resection of sympathetic trunk and ganglions) – thoracic sympathectomy (VATS)
- surgical treatment of chest wall tumours – lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (lipomas, fibromas, etc.), tumours and deformations of the ribs
- surgical treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome – resection of the cervical rib (decompression of the brachial plexus)
- surgical treatment of Paget-Schroetter disease – partial resection of I rib (decompression of subclavian vessels)
- surgical treatment of the retrosternal goiter of the thyroid gland
- surgical treatment of the oesophageal diverticulas
- surgical treatment of tumours of the oesophagus and cardia
- endoscopic widening of the esophageal strictures and its prosthesis
- endoscopic clearing of the airways (trachea and bronchi) and their prosthesis
Piotr ZAMORSKI, MD, specialist in thoracic surgery
Wojciech WOŁEK, MD, specialist in thoracic surgery
Barbara SĄCZAWA, NP, specialist nurse in palliative care
Jakub PERDEUS, MD, specialist in thoracic surgery