Electromyography (EMG) is an examination of muscle function and peripheral nerve conductivity.
The EMG examination consists of:

  • nerve conduction study (NCS), used in the diagnostics of neurogenic diseases: polyneuropathies and mononeuropathies, especially due to compression e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (SLA), radiculopathy, damage of the brachial, lumbar and sacral plexuses
  • muscle examination with the use of a needle electrode (EMG), utilised in the diagnosis of myogenic lesions: congenital and acquired myopathies, myotonias

The examination is also important in the diagnosis of neuromuscular transmission disorders (myasthenia gravis, myasthenic syndromes).
In our EMG office, the examination is performed using the Nicolet “Viking Quest” apparatus.

Contraindications for the examination:

  • pacemaker, in case of nerve examination
  • taking medications that reduce blood clotting
  • the presence of a medical condition that interferes with blood clotting (e.g. haemophilia), if you have a muscle test
  • chronic infections

The examination does not require any special preparation. However, it is recommended that the patient does not use skin care creams or lotions before the procedure is performed. The examination is performed while lying down. The duration of the test depends on the number of nerves and/or muscles tested.

Information on the health condition that should be reported to the physician performing the examination:

  • pacemaker, in case of nerve examination
  • taking aspirin and drugs that reduce blood clotting (acenocoumarol, heparin)
  • the presence of a medical condition that interferes with blood clotting (e.g. haemophilia), if you have a muscle test
  • chronic infections

lek. Bartosz SZAJNA specjalista neurolog

EMG  – badania przewodzenia we włóknach czuciowych jednego nerwu 40 zł
EMG  – badania przewodzenia we włóknach ruchowych jednego nerwu + fala F 40 zł
EMG  – elektrostymulacyjna próba męczliwości jednego mięśnia (próba miasteniczna) / 3 układy 120 / 360 zł
EMG  – próba ischemiczna (tężyczkowa) 200 zł

Pracownia wykonuje badania w ramach umowy z NFZ oraz prywatnie.
Rejestracji terminu badania EMG można dokonać telefonicznie w dni robocze wyłącznie w godz. 19:00 – 20:00.

Tel. 721 573 222
e-mail: diagnostyka.obrazowa@klinika-rzeszow.pl